Friday, November 24, 2006

To Do Lists

I like them. I like feeling like I've got things organized and under control. I leave a little box to allow myself the pleasure of an oh-so satisfying checkmark. Beautiful!
Tonight I was feeling the need for a high quality to-do list. Let's ease the stress by staying organized. Keep those checks coming.

Things to do this weekend:
Mop the floor.
Make banana bread.
Plan for the presentation.

Mark the math tests.
Go to the gym.

Dust. (What? Dust? I must be getting old)
Plan for the next two weeks.

Make a practice plan.
Call Grandma.
Go grocery shopping.
Write on the blog...

After musing on my classic list, I decided to back up and start again. All of these will get done at some point (okay, maybe not the dusting), but sometimes my little mundane checklists swallow up the best stuff. So let's try again.

Things to do this weekend:
Find ways to love practically.
Take time to care for people.

Be passionate about what you're doing.

Stay in touch.

Jesus loves me deeply, know this deeply today.


Be reminded of humbly.

Smile freely.

Pay extra attention to the old and the young.

See beauty and truth around you.
And call your Grandma.

Chances are, I won't end up with a bunch of oh-so satisfying checkmarks on the revised list. I don't need them. But I do need the constant reminder to live intentionally, with passion, and with a heart for the Kingdom.

What's on your to-do list this weekend?


Janet said...

Perfect list, great reminder. You just helped me to revise my to do list for today. Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Good one Harm.

Craig,Leah,Lena said...

when are your guests coming to visit you? say hi the boys from us!