Sunday, January 25, 2009

Scenes from the alley by Mom and Dad's

Autumn's Baptism

On our hike


chelsa said...

aww, friend. love the pics. i'm giving you an electronic hug right now! and yay for autumn! miss u.

Jill Slywka said...

nice! love the one of you and your dad, and also the one with that cute little baby!

Miss McMillan said...

ah, two of my favorite gals...thanks for stopping by. isn't that little girl sweet?! she's so squishable! ;)

Anonymous said...

Love the pics Harm. Thanks for putting them up.
Wish I was there to help the "pros" do VBS. I bet it would be a blast with all those cute kids and your energy.
Missing India and the people over there.
Love ya
Laura O