Sunday, April 12, 2009

Save Bumfs!

I'm writing from our "7 Day Inn" in Wuhan. We arrived from Shandong province earlier today. I flew to Beijing and met Jason, Shannon and Emmanuelle there. We took a very speedy and posh train to Yangzhou. On a number of occasions I have been a little thrown off by the newness of things in China- there has definitely been a make-over in some spots since the Olympics. The main reason for being in Shandong province was for our good friends' wedding. Carl and Cathy are both special friends from the year I spent living in Hubei. It was great to be there, and also to see many old friends again. So far I've had two massages. I've eaten eggs and tomatoes twice. And I've seen some high quality Chinglish. Like today in the bathroom, the toilet paper dispenser said "Save Bumfs". Think about that one...I've got nothing but laughs from it so far.

While Shandong was great, coming back to Hubei has a definite homey touch to it. This is the China I know best! As we walked down the street for supper, I was excited to see many of my favorite things: a good sports store, a stationery store where I can buy many funny Chinglish notebooks, a man who sells baked sweet potatoes, a dumpling shop, a bubble tea shop, a dvd and music store, many things to eat on a stick, and most importantly, a hair salon where I can get a cheap hairwash and head massage. :) Yes, I'm back at home in China! Love it. Tonight at supper I was quickly reminded of why I packed on the pounds in China...the food is so so good! I also love being back in Mandarin-mode. It's a lot easier for me to understand than Cantonese and my vocabulary has a little more stretch than my Cantonese, which is very limited. One thing that is notably different this time around is the addition of one really really cute kid! Emmanuelle draws plenty of attention...I've laughed many times thinking, "Wow, that person looks so excited to see me; isn't that special?! I wonder why they are so interested in me!" And then I remember who's tagging along behind- it's the super squishy beautiful blue-eyed baby girl!! Ha ha ha!

The best part is seeing our friends, though. That's always what you remember most about a place, so coming back brings back so many good memories. I'm looking forward to making more in the next three days!

Thursday, April 02, 2009

This week's project (31/31)

This little movie has been my project of the week. We will show it tomorrow at the school's dinner theatre. They are kindly taking an offering for the Bread of Life Academy and Bible College at the event.

India has been on my mind this week. Working on the movie, wearing my red salwar to school on Monday for 'cultural dress day', visiting with Steve after his week in Guwahati, thinking of Mom, Dad and kids often.

In line with the theme, tonight I was over to Richard and Vivian's for homemade Indian supper. We had smoking hot chicken biryani, daal, and shrimp with ocre. All very tasty! Vivian asked me, "So Harmony, do you plan to marry?" Uhhh.... They laughed and said, "Oh, it's quick and easy!!" Richard is thinking of starting a dating website called "Richard's Arranged Marriages: Quick and Easy!" Ha, ha, ha!! I always enjoy their perspective on dating and marriage and wonder at how it could be so quick and easy?! They are a great family and I enjoyed being in their home. Just wait til you see their kids!! Sooo cute! They took some pictures so when I get them I'll definitely post them on the blog.

That's it! 31/31! I dipped into April, but the March Blogging Challenge is officially complete! It's been fun. Thanks, Jill, for joining me! It was great to journey through the month with you!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Twitter Trouble (30/31)

Not sure if you're a Twitter-freak or not, but I thought this movie was a funny and accurate peek/commentary on the Twitter world. I use Twitter but update rarely, though I've enjoyed some of the chatter from my church community. Twitter, texting, facebook, blogging- it's the way of communication "these days". It's an issue that I think about often as a teacher! Anyway, check out the video and forgive the language in a couple parts!

Why I love Starbucks in HK... (29/31)

It's not because it tastes any more delightful. It's because my barista friends give me sweet deals!!!! It's the best! I'm sitting at Starbucks at the moment, happy to have found my long lost barista buddy, Ching Wa. He had switched stores and so I thought I'd lost him. But today our coffee friendship was revived when I found him at one of the biggest Starbucks in the city. He gabbed on and on in a mix of Cantonese and Mandarin (I think we were catching up on old times?), I complimented him on his cool new haircut, and then he gave me a half-price latte, a stamped up card (ten=free coffee, another plus to Starbucks here) and added on a Ferrero Rocher, just for kicks. Great guy! The other day, the competing love of my coffee life, "TZ", also went on a stamping spree on my card. Woohoo! Free coffee, fun people! :)