Monday, October 16, 2006

Bad Air/Teacher Talk

Howdy from Hong Kong. Though my days at school are generally cheery, the pollution in this place is downright depressing! It's a bad sign when you wake up in the morning, look out the window and hope your heart out that you're looking at stormclouds. Alas, it's just a thick, dark smog. I read that the air pollution index in Mong Kok (a ten minute bus ride away) was 80 yesterday. That sounds bad, doesn't it?! Again, take an extra deep breath of Canadian air for me, okay?!
This week a director from Sask. Ed. is here to inspect, or basically just check on us here in Hong Kong. Being a new teacher, I am on the list to be inspected! I haven't been observed in the classroom for awhile- not since the days of my internship. As hard as I try to relax completely and just be myself, there is something a bit unnerving about being watched while you teach. Maybe once I'm a teaching vet, it won't phase me at all.
It always proves to be a valuable experience, though. Though it brings some anxiety, it reminds me of some good things. For one, it calls my teaching to greater integrity. If I teach differently when I'm being watched, something is likely off. It also reminds me again of how tempting it is to let someone else's approval become an idol. I wish it weren't so easy to give into allowing another human being to give me their stamp of approval so that I feel validated, or to give a boost to the ego. It's a good gut check to strive for a genuine and humble spirit, one that cares more about the kids I'm teaching than what someone else thinks of my teaching.
Anyway, I did have my observation today, and it was fine. Not out of this world, but it was okay. Next time I'll do something with a little more action. The dialogue that followed was helpful and constructive. So despite the touch of anxiety, I will book in a couple more observations with my administration. It's a great way to get better- and I want that!
Did I mention I'm coaching the Sr. Boy's Basketball team again this year? I'm coaching with another gal, Jill. We actually played against each other when I was at the U of R and she was at the U of S. Okay, so I watched her play against my team, but still....:) Ha ha. I think we'll have a lot of fun. That starts up this week so things will get a bit more busy.
And on a final sidenote, have I confessed my love for squash?! Not the vegetable. I can't imagine the fun in chasing a little ball around a court. Wow. It's tremendous! I had an exhilirating game this afternoon!

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